Land's End Tailored Varsity Buttondown Oxford Shirt...$19.50

I just bought two of these (one in white, one in blue) thanks to the reasonable price point and the fact you can never have too many oxford shirts. This updated classic has a more modern fit and collar (works better with slimmer ties). You know what you're getting with Land's End...a quality product with a timeless American appeal. When mine arrive in the mail, I will be sure to update on the specifics. For more information check out the shout-out from
Asos Tailored Slim Fit Shirt...$18.24 (on sale)
Asos makes a great fitting shirt, and you can't beat this price. I have three of these tailored slim fit shirts and they fit great. For those of you out there who are skinny this is probably your best bet. The shirt is flattering without being too tight that you feel awkward wearing it to the office. Let the buyer beware: price is reflective of quality material in this case. This will be by no means the most comfortable shirt you own.
Brooks Brothers Extra-Slim Fit...$79.50
You know that when a brand as conservative as Brooks Brothers is slimming down that we have more then a mere trend on our hands. The pricey-est of the bunch, this shirt is def. for those looking to drop a little extra cash for quality. Since Brooks Brothers shirts were gigantic to begin with, this trimmer cut is a great way to ease yourself into a new cut of shirt. Look for a little blurb on the new slimmer Brooks Brothers in this month's GQ (pg. 70).
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