Saturday, January 30, 2010

St. George's School

It snowed here in Charlotte so naturally I looked at pictures of the St. George's School sailing team all afternoon.  St. Geroge's school is a co-ed boarding school in Newport, RI for grades 9 through 12.  After checking out these pics you are probably gong to want to apply for admission. You can do so here.  A straight up lesson in how to "kill it"...

[All photos courtesy of the Life Magazine Archives.]



  1. This is a great Life Archive find that I actually haven't seen anywhere else before. Thanks for scouring the internet for us.

  2. The first picture with the NYYC in the background makes my heart race. I went to college in NPT and believe me that place is breathtaking 365 days a year. St. G's better days are unfortunately behind them though it seems...

  3. Which issue of Life magazine do these photos come from?
