Monday, January 25, 2010

D.S. Dundee Sale

Instead of preaching my face off about how much I love D.S. Dundee like I already have (best in show at ENK NY), why not just head over to the website and browse the amazing gear for yourself.  They are having an online sale so now is a better time than ever to get familiar with the English brand.  One part country gentleman, one part rakish playboy...all natty. Here are some of my favorite pieces currently in the "bargain bin".  While we are on the subject, I am pretty much forcing myself to snag that harrington jacket.




  1. No *#*@%$* cardigans left in my size.

  2. too fresh, this shiz is uber british. love it

  3. this selection of attire makes me wish i was a man. next life time.

  4. First 2 items are looking great. Nice pattern-matching on that bomber.
