As you can probably tell I've been digging on the color red quite hard recently and running out of puns for titles. I understand that not everyone is ready to wave that flag as proudly as myself, but if you are on the fence you might want to start with this pretty awesome and pretty cheap belt from Gap. It's a woven D-ring number that would look pretty smashing paired up with some raw denim and a white oxford (tuck that shirt in boy). I like how there is some gray woven in as well to keep it on the fairly modest side and separate it from the more crazy ribbon belts you hopefully already own. The width, at 1 1/2", should work with most of the pants you already own and sets itself up as a nice out of the office option, depending on where you work of course. It's only $19.50 so you don't have too much to lose especially if you've already convinced your girl that watching a downloaded copy of Remember Me is going to be better than hitting the theater.
The link doesn't make it to the belt.