Friday, November 20, 2009

The Bean Boot Project: The Life Tussle Guest Post

Jerry from The Life Tussle was kind enough to forward his own blog post on his pair of L.L. Bean Boots.  The post, entitled "Shoes for Saturday", could not be any more fitting with the weekend fast approaching.  Jerry has some fantastic pictures of his 10" Maine Hunting Boots and some choice words on the classic footwear.

"I believe this is my second pair of these iconic boots. My first pair got me through my years in East Lansing. Parking at MSU is challenging to say the least, so I typically walked to class. The Fall, Winter and Spring in Michigan can be a wet, cold and tough on footwear. I wore my Bean bluchers, suede bucks, Sebago loafers and Vans as much as possible, but it seemed like the Main Hunting Shoes were called it to action for months at a time. And I walked hundreds of miles in them. I wore the heal down to a memory and the chain-link tread pattern was only visible around the edges. And when I packed up my room after graduation, I think my boots never made it in to a box. I hope I gave them a proper salute and heartfelt thank you for their service. I should have bronzed them."

p.s. - Laurie Brooks from L.L. Bean PR posted this fantastic video today.  It's truly a must see.


[Note: Head here for the project's backstory. Also, If you are reading this and I requested a submission from you or if you would just like to participate please feel free to submit (contact via email). Your participation, as always, is still much anticipated and appreciated.]


  1. Hello Jerry, Thanks for discussing about the L.L. Bean Boots. That is really looks good and I think its perfect for hunting. But, I am looking for snake proof hunting boots for my wife. Can you suggest me any better option?

  2. Great post on the Bean Boot project! I appreciate the nod to traditional hunting gear. For those who hunt in rugged terrain and inclement weather, a good pair of boots can be the difference between a successful hunt and a miserable one. Keep up the great work, and take a look at our words on best hunting boots!" - Gunners Review
